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The Mission
Blockchain is here to stay. The mission of Eternal Trusts, as a cutting edge organization spearheaded by experts in blockchain and finance, is to revolutionize the centuries old fiduciary industry and make it secure, autonomous, transparent, flexible and affordable by creating the world’s first fiduciary crypto protocol. 

The inherent qualities of cryptocurrency-based solutions allow us to design an innovative model of a Trust Fund which absolutely outperforms and outcompetes its traditional predecessor. We make this model available for integration to all trustworthy companies that provide financial services today.

Similar to the industry of fiduciary, the global vision of Eternal Trusts lies within the autonomous execution of a wide range of people’s objectives that can go beyond their lifetimes. It reflects the human desire for self-actualization and the pursuit of well-being. We believe that the hopes and aspirations of people living today should not vanish and be forgotten: it is important to preserve present generations’ financial, intellectual, and biological heritage and make it matter in the long-term. 

Token Sale & Major Milestones
To set the tokenomics of the protocol ecosystem in motion, we are raising funds through a token sale, starting on March 22nd. Funds from the Token Sale will be used for:
·        building a protocol with an API that will support an autonomous, intelligent marketplace connecting trustees, asset managers, service providers, and potential customers that aspire to fulfill long-term purposes through decentralized applications (dApps);
·        refining and auditing the smart contracts that will provide asset transfer and trust-like enforcement of purpose execution;
·        creating a toolkit for deploying Hyperledger-based private nodes that store customers’ documents, data, trust purposes, and legal agreements;
·        deploying experimental smart contracts for the prototype and implementing prototype-token circulation;
·        finalizing, packaging and distributing the codebase for the private nodes and dApps
·        assisting early adopters in the development of dApps on the Protocol
·        promotion, sales, and marketing among banks and funds; further organic development of business models on the ET Protocol

The ET Protocol
Eternal Trusts is an EOS-based fiduciary crypto protocol. It allows financial service providers to build secure & fast decentralized applications that can integrate collective decision-making into asset administration.
As an open source protocol, Eternal Trusts allows traditional trustees, family offices, and estate planning institutions interested in accepting cryptocurrencies or integrating blockchain into their business processes to offer a brand new model of trusted asset administration to their clients. Eternal Trusts provides a robust and more publicly accessible set of mechanisms based on smart contracts and will cause the proliferation of a new distributed ecosystem of cutting edge fiduciary services, potentially allowing a wide range of people to attain long-term fiduciary purposes that best suit their needs.
Unlike in traditional centralized trusts, the trustee powered by ET Protocol is represented by:
·        The system of Smart contracts -- blockchain algorithms that work as real world paper contracts but do not require a centralized arbitrating party. 
·        Networks of Oracles -- groups of trusted parties selected by the dApp founders to be in control of asset administration for their clients, and rewarded for optimal decisions.
·        ET Token -- a smart contract-based medium of exchange that is used by all participants of the Protocol.
The combination of these 3 components implements so-called P​ urpose Execution Flow, ​advanced algorithm that autonomously fulfills asset administration goals.
ET Protocol provides the following built-in mechanisms:
·        A customizable dApp with an interface for onboarding clients, determining their goals, beneficiaries, trusted parties, and potential “triggers” for transactions
·        A framework for recording private and public data of the clients onto the blockchain for indefinite, secure storage
·        A system of smart contracts that establishes rules of interaction between participants
·        A wallet for accepting, trading, and storing cryptocurrencies
·        Highly configurable centralized or decentralized decision making mechanism
·        Assignment of specific roles for trusted parties that can freeze or release assets through the multisignature mechanism 
·        A reward system for optimal actions on behalf of the client
·        Vetoing transactions by clients or his/her trusted parties
·        Inherent dispute resolution mechanism
·        Asset management through tokenization
·        Anonymization of the source of funds and encryption of client’s data
Any dApp founder, be it a trustee or a bank, can attract and incentivize multiple pools of experts, organizations and AI-algorithms that can become responsible for constantly breaking down the settlors' long-term objectives into smaller parts and seeking the most reliable providers that can complete them in the most optimal way. A dApp built on the Eternal Trusts platform is unable to avoid fulfilling the undertaken obligations written into the blockchain for autonomous execution. The flexible autonomous system, called Purpose Execution Flow, initiates the voting process on preset triggers, finds the most optimal solutions for the client with the help of Oracles, analyzes potential contractors and, if they meet the predetermined set of reliability criteria, proceeds to purchase the services that the client requires. 


Roles ofthe protocol participants
1.      dApp Founders & Directors
dApp founders buy ET Tokens with fiat or crypto to create dApps on the protocol and set up networks of DAO directors, oracles, service providers, and maintain server infrastructure. By purchasing tokens, dApp founders can become DAO directors and set business models/prices for their dApps. Their clients pay for their services with ET Tokens as well. Potential dApp founders consist of private crypto funds, trustee services, family offices, banks, charities, established asset administration dApps, and all those who need collective decision making to release assets and act optimally to fulfil a given purpose.
2.      Oracles
dApp founders can put together or lease a network of Oracles -- group of reputable, trusted parties selected by the trustees or their clients to be in control of asset administration, and rewarded for making optimal decisions. You can employ already established expert networks that specialize in fields related to the client's purpose. Potential Oracles are comprised of r​ esearch organizations, prediction networks, and AI providers.
3.      Service Providers
Service providers are employed to execute the clients' purposes. Forming the network of service providers while earning an additional fee from customer's assets is an appealing model for organizations working with exchanging cryptocurrency and fiat money, as well as any service providers ready to accept cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. Potential service providers are biomaterial storage facilities, trading platforms, crypto exchanges, asset managers, and legal services.
4.      Nodes
dApp founders can deploy their own private Hyperledger-based node network with limited access to data/keys to establish private information channels between the participants. However, they can also use ET Tokens to rent already existing networks that opted in to participate in the platform and passed security audits. 



Username Bitcointalk : AeroNimocji91
Address : 0x6Dbf840f4468EFE8Aa92B85fdF8E9e257d3d5d01
