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Neluns - New Financial Ecosystem

Neluns, also known as NLS, a new financial ecosystem that uses innovative technology to work with crypto and fiat, will launch its ICO in the last days of July 2018. The Neluns team will create favorable conditions for the growth of the crypto-currency market. Neluns are divided into 3 elements: Bank, Insurance company and Cryptocurrency Exchange. Each element is interactive for both fiat and crypto currency. NLS provides better conditions and reduces risks for users.

Neluns offers its customers a wide range of advantages. All the elements of the system are created for maximum convenience of using crypto currency and fiat in everyday life. The Neluns ecosystem consists of three main elements, which are described below:

Neluns Bank complies with all financial regulations governing banking activities, providing users with all banking services in Fiat as well as in crypto-currencies.
Neluns Exchange is regulated by the license of the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States, an innovative exchange process that is fast and safe for crypto-currency transactions.
Neluns Insurance Company, which received the license of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission, guarantees that all transactions and transactions carried out in the system will be protected.

System Features Highlight :
·        Cryptocurrency trading operations run with a few clicks
·        Fast and cost-effective cryptocurrency exchange
·        Withdrawal of funds and deposits from anywhere you go with the App
·        Option to open a personal IBAN account or company that supports multicurrency
·        Visa, MC, Amex debit and credit cards can be issued and linked to a multicurrency account in the system
·        International money transfers can be sent and received from within the system
·        Create interest to generate deposits in fiat or cryptocurrency
·        Get loans from Neluns in fiat and cryptocurrency
·        Get loan interest to other users through the P2P (Peer-to-peer) Lending Platform
·        Exchange NLS trades on currency exchanges and withdraw profits
·        Selected or all trades can be insured
·        Get dividends
·        Active market participants enjoy lower risk levels and generate extra profits
The product line consists of related software product bank cards. The following products are available for retail and corporate clients: Lite, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
This transaction is handled by a P2P state-of-art loan platform that replaces the role of traditional retail and investment banks. Basically it removes proxies and connects directly to clients giving them security, transparency and flexibility in terms of how they prefer to deal with money. Cutting intermediaries and moving to the next generation of financial ecosystems brings a significant reduction in transaction costs.
Exchange Neluns use the principle of “Bank Guarantee” for smart contracts that govern the execution of transactions. In addition to pre-determined contracts, custom user customization can adjust coverage to include various events and conditions, change the scope to include some or all transactions. Business logic is implemented using top notch technology to ensure additional security, rapid withdrawal of funds and load balancing to meet high service demand. The team believes that Nelun’s financial ecosystem must create the best conditions in the class for both cryptocurrency traders and their funds.

November 2017 : Neluns team Formulation
December 2017 : ICO preparations
May 2018 : IOS mobile application beta testing
June 2018 : Holding of a closed investment round for investment funds and anchor investors
July 2018 : Preparations for the NLS token sale
August 2018 : Pre-sale of NLS tokens, pre-ICO
September 2018 : NLS token ICO, mobile application launch (beta version) for iOS and Android
October 2018 : Listing on the cryptocurrency exchange,,
November 2018 : Launch of the p2p lending platform, launch of mobile applications (alpha version) for iOS and Android
December 2018 : Listing on the cryptocurrency exchange,,,,
January 2019 : Obtaining a license for Neluns Bank, launch of a payment service for converting cryptocurrencies and executing the transfer of funds to any part of the world, connecting Neluns Bank to Swift, start of Visa, MasterCard, American Express bankcard issuance
February 2019 : Obtaining a CFTC license and launching the Neluns Exchange — an innovative cryptocurrency exchange
April 2019 : Launch of the full-fledged Neluns ecosystem
April 2020 : IPO (initial public offering) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Token Information
The tokens which are created by the Neluns follows ERC20 standard used for security. They will be providing the holders with approximately 50% dividends and it will be depending on the Neluns ecosystem which includes Neluns Bank, Neluns Exchange, Neluns Insurance profits. All the dividends will be reached out in quarters to the holders in accordance with the number of tokens the user hold compared to the total.
Token: NLS
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
Country: USA
Accepting: ETH
Price in ICO: 1 NLS = 1 USD
Soft Cap: 10,000,000 USD
Hard Cap: 112,000,000 USD
