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Humancoin Review

is the new e-commerce cryptocurrency fuelled by the Proof of Charity mining protocol
Humancoin is a revolutionary platform bringing about the synergy of philanthropy industry, retail e-commerce and cryptocurrency markets, which together have a combined value of $3.5 trillion.

Every third person on Earth gives to charity at least once per year, with 50% of donors providing aid to strangers according to the World Giving Index 2017, compiled annually by the Charity Aid Foundation. For the third consecutive year, charities have raised a record volume of funds. In the US alone, the amount of recorded donations reached $400 billion. About three-quarters of the country’s residents have helped a stranger at least once, and two-thirds have donated money to multiple charity foundations. The volume of donations in the US consistently exceeds 2% of the nation’s GDP; around 7 new charitable foundations are created every single day, with more than 1.5 million currently in operation across the country.

In other countries, too, charitable donations represent a significant proportion of the overall economy. In Europe, the British have the largest number of philanthropists, and according to various data sources: 70% of the country’s residents transfer money to support humanitarian projects. Germany, Japan and France are also among the countries where the population actively engages in donating money to charity. The Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum Foundation, one of the largest charitable organizations in the world, is based in the UAE.

According to the Charity Aid Foundation, private individuals are the most active donors. Traditionally, their contributions account for up to 80% of all donations, with crowdfunding rapidly evolving. Around 15% of all donations are through foundations, with large corporations accounting for only 5% of donations.

People donate money more often and more readily to religious causes (32% of the collected money); education (15%); humanitarian aid (12%); charity fund projects (11%) and healthcare (8%). An additional 22% of donations account for other purposes, including environmental protection, protection of wild animals, as well as culture, art and international projects.

Despite the rise of new mechanisms for donating, the charity industry still cannot overcome its main obstacle — a lack of trust. Donors, most of whom are private individuals, simply lack the means to verify whether their funds have reached the addressee in full and in the required timeframe, even if they transfer the money with the help of specialized organizations. According to various sources, about 20% (or more) of all donated funds end up being kept as administrative expenses by charity foundations.

Many are faced with the complexity of cross-border payments (when one wants to help a foreign recipient) and later, potential difficulties with regulatory bodies. In addition, donors are forced to spend a part of their well-intentioned contribution on covering the operational costs of the transaction.

The distributed ledger technology, which is designed to put an end to the middleman, gets rid of the long charity chain composed of banks, NGOs, state bodies and law firms. Blockchain provides a digital mechanism for recording and viewing any transaction. It is important that the record cannot be hacked or modified. Blockchain solves the trust issue by providing transparency, traceability and security.

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Importantly, the new technology facilitates the development of direct financing platforms on a much larger scale. Philanthropists themselves can ultimately benefit from automated smart contracts as the recipients of grants will only be able to use their funds after meeting mandatory conditions.

All the many advantages that blockchain delivers will spur the growth of the charity industry. This new technology is already being studied by major market players such as UNICEF, the World Bank and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Over the past few years, a number of respected charitable organizations such as the Red Cross, Save the Children and United Way, among others, have already begun accepting donations in cryptocurrencies.

Summary: a possible synergy of markets
The global estimate of three fastgrowing markets — charity, e-commerce and cryptocurrencies — exceeds $3.5 trillion. By ensuring the necessary trust bet-ween donors and the aid recipients, blockchain technology can propel this industry to incredible new heights.

The rise of a charitable blockchain platform integrated into online commerce loyalty programs and cryptocurrencies will change the philanthropy industry forever. The symbiosis of e-commerce and cryptocurrencies will facilitate an increase in the number of donors. For those involved in online commerce, offering a bonus affiliated with charity is an effective way to position their brand on an emotional level with their clients, as well as being an important element in any PR-campaign. And, finally, the whole process is just very convenient for everyone involved.

The advantage of the blockchain solution is that the benefits of working with the platform are evident. All the data generated from the receipt and movement of the donations will be available to anyone who wishes, for example, to donate money towards the development of a new cancer drug, and to an airline that encourages such actions by awarding such a donor with promotional miles.
